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Speaking of not panicking

A little birdie told me that the phones at one of the prominent makers of evil black rifles has been busy for the last several hours.

13 Responses to “Speaking of not panicking”

  1. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Busy? Or maybe knocked off the hook when the newly-elected Democrat overlords stormed the place and shut them down. 😉

    Here’s a tidbit: Alan Hevesi, in his NY state comptroller victory speech pledged his first born to the gods of gun grabbing. If I’d known Hevesi thought comptrollers have authority over such matters, I wouldn’t have voted for the guy.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    I think now is the time to stock up on magazines and such.

    Can’t afford an EBR anyway, so I guess that’s my only option….

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    In a way, part of me welcomes a big, knock-down, drag-out fight over guns. If the explosive increase in the popularity of concealed weapons over the past decade is any indication, this nation is far more gun-friendly today than it was even in 1994, when gun owners bounced the Democrats from office the first time the AW ban passed.

    Pelosi might be able to get the ball rolling on an AW ban but it will have trouble passing the House, especially since most of the new Democrat majority won in GOP-leaning districts by relatively narrow margins. These new freshmen are already vulnerable in 2008; voting for gun control would guarantee they’d lose.

  4. Ron W Says:

    I heard that quite a few of the newly elected Democrats in the House were “conservative” and “pro-gun”. We’ll see when the Nazi-Commie Democrat leaders go after our RKBA. At least our Democrats here in Tennessee are generallyy on the pro-gun side.

    I haven’t heard how the Montana Senate race came out, but I heard that Democratic candidate there, Jon Tester, opposed the Patriot Act because it made it easier for the governemtn to take our guns.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Ron, tester has won. You’re right about the Patriot Act opposition. Check it.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Thanks, SayUncle!

    I agree. I will be happy with more Democrats like Tester! Just hope he stands against the Nazi-Commies in his own party.

  7. #9 Says:

    I agree. I will be happy with more Democrats like Tester! Just hope he stands against the Nazi-Commies in his own party.

    Isn’t the Democrat party changing from the inside? Some of these newly elected Democrats sound very conservative. Has the Democrat leadership found out that they were way to far to the left?

  8. Ron W Says:


    I think you’re right about some of the “newly elected Democrats”, but I dont’t think the Democratic leadership realizes what is obvious to us.

  9. Rivrdog Says:

    I executed my final order for hi-cap magazines this morning. This week, took possession of my final battle rifle, a Ruger Mini-30.

    My arsenal is complete for now, and is diversified to several locations, and can therefore withstand any ‘Nawlins-type grab.

    Ammo could use a bit of beefing up, and I’m working on that….

  10. SayUncle Says:

    dog, you know as well as me that they’re never ‘complete’.

  11. Ron W Says:

    I think it was the famous English author, Rudyard Kipling, who said, “a man can never have too many good books, too much red wine or too much ammunition.”

  12. AughtSix Says:

    Cooper seems to have thought he came up with it. Or maybe great minds think alike.

    We have been quoted as saying that a man cannot have too many books, too many wines, or too much ammunition. This is okay, but when people do not pay proper attention it comes out wrong. A man can certainly have too much wine, as is obvious, but that is not the same thing as having too many wines. It is flattering to be quoted, but it is nice to be quoted correctly.

    From here.

    But google certainly thinks Kipling came up with it, but I couldn’t find an authoritative source.

    However, via Bartlet’s, I did find that Hemmingway doesn’t take kindly to bad ammo:

    Actually if a writer needs a dictionary he should not write. He should have read the dictionary at least three times from beginning to end and then have loaned it to someone who needs it. There are only certain words which are valid and similies (bring me my dictionary) are like defective ammunition (the lowest thing I can think of at this time).

  13. Random Nuclear Strikes » Not Panicking Says:

    […] According to Uncle, he’s not the only one thinking that way. A little birdie told me that the phones at one of the prominent makers of evil black rifles has been busy for the last several hours. […]

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